50th Anniversary Induction and Dinner
The Australasian Section of the International College of Dentists (ICD) was officially inaugurated at the ADA Congress in Perth in May 1964. The Section celebrated its 50th anniversary in Sydney in October. The celebrations culminated with an induction ceremony and gala dinner held in the grand ballroom of the Shangri-La Hotel on Saturday evening, October 25. There were more than 300 Fellows and guests in attendance. Fellows from New Zealand, from every state and territory in Australia and from Singapore traveled to Sydney for the occasion. We were also honoured to have many representatives from the International Council with us on the evening. A full report on the induction and dinner will be published in the November newsletter which will be distributed to all Fellows next week and posted on the website. In the meantime, here are some photos taken at the induction and dinner. Click the 'PLAY' button to run a slide show of all pictures stored in the album. Alternatively, you can use the forward and back arrows to browse at your own rate. Right mouse click on a photo and select 'Save Image As...' if you wish to download it. Enjoy!