Project Title: Healthy Kids (One-2-One) Cambodia
Project Description
One-2-One Cambodia has been providing dental treatment for disadvantaged groups since 2008, starting with delivery of dental treatment using mobile clinics in schools, communities and prisons. The next phase of the program was the SEAL Cambodia project which saw 60,000 6 to 8 year old children receiving GIC fissure sealants on their first permanent molars in a school setting. The SEAL Cambodia project provided a valid training ground for a prevention-based care delivery model, as it tested implementation of large scale dental activities and built partnerships across Non-Governmental Organisations, Dental Schools, primary schools and Government Departments. The Healthy Kids Cambodia (HKC) strategy provides a graduated approach to preventive health strategies and dental treatment for Cambodian children. By June 2018 it was expected that approximately 10,000 children will be participating in the program. The project aims to build a strong network and upscale to 20,000 participants over the next 2 to 5 years. Project Type: Humanitarian Project Status: ongoing Contact: Callum Durward, [email protected] Country: Cambodia City: Phonm Penh |